€65.83 excl. of VAT. - Per plate of 5 files
€43.33 excl. of VAT. - Per plate of 3 files
Shaping / finishing files
Sizes no. 20 / no. 25 / no. 30 / no. 40 – Taper : .04 or .06
Lengths : L21mm / L25mm / L31mm
Recommended use:
Continous rotation - 300 to 500 rpm – Torque limit 1.5 N cm
No. 20/.04 and no. 20/.06 : shaping file for difficult canals (calcified, narrow, curved)
No. 25/.04 and no. 25/.06 : shaping file for the mesial and apical parts of a canal
No. 30/.04 and no. 40/.04 : finishing file for a large canal
Neoniti files have a blade made of Nickel-Titanium alloy.
Packed in a plate of 5 or 3 instruments.